Once you've completed installation of your test article, follow these steps when ready to power-up the tunnel.
Note that this checklist only covers baseline operation of the tunnel itself and the air flow meter. The operation of any other equipment is regarded as experiment-specific and thus should be covered in its own checklist.
Prepare the space
Prepare the instruments
Visually check that the front-most pitot-static tube is facing directly into the flow within 0-5 degrees of the freestream
If it is not, DO NOT attempt to straighten it yourself - email Venkat Putcha who will arrange for it to be fixed
Power on the FlowKinetics air flow meter and follow the prompts to calibrate
Wait for a prompt that asks you to set molecular weight. You will press "Zero" to select 287 for air.
Wait for a prompt that asks for a pitot correction factor. You will press "Zero" to set 1
Flowkinetics will calibrate and zero itself
Set the FlowKinetics selector switch to your desired speed unit and verify that the measured flow speed, V1, is <1 m/s
If the FlowKinetics was already on when you entered, you may want to consider power cycling it and re-calibrating to account for any changes to ambient conditions.
Power on the tunnel
Turn on the master breaker switch
Ensure all personnel are inside the control room and close the door
Run the initial safety test — To be run at the start of your test program and anytime you change something in the test section!!
On the fan control panel, set the control dial to 20% of maximum power
Press RUN - the fan will start spooling up
As the fan accelerates, keep an eye on the test section and the outlet area - covering the STOP button in case anything untoward happens
Check Flowkinetics to make sure the airspeed is ~5.5 m/s. If it is significantly different, power the tunnel down and recheck the transition tarp and the pitot probe.
Note: If your test article has a large cross section area, the airspeed may be lower than ~5.5 m/s
Verify your test article is secure and there are no visible hazards once the fan has reached steady-state.
Report any issues to Venkat Putcha
Run the max load test — To be run at the start of your test program and anytime you change something in the test section!!
On the fan control panel, set the desired speed to the highest setting you will use during the test (maximum is ideal, if your test article can take it)
The current tunnel is speed limited to 50% maximum power. This equates to 16.7 m/s for an empty test section
As the fan accelerates, keep an eye on the test section and the outlet area - covering the STOP button in case anything untoward happens
Verify your test article is secure and there are no visible hazards once the fan has reached steady-state
Perform your experiments
Adjust the power dial until you achieve your desired air speed
You may start/stop the fan or change the airflow speed as many times as you desire
Try to limit start/stop cycles as much as possible
Try your best to to stop the fan only if you need to change something in the test section or you will be taking a break longer than 5 minutes. Optimize your testing accordingly
To power down the tunnel, hit the STOP button on the control panel. Wait ~30 seconds for the fan to spool down.
If you need to go out of the control room, you may now do so using ONLY the door nearest the computer.
You MUST wear eye protection if exiting the control room.
You can wear hearing protection, but this is not required.
NEVER go in the test section, stand at the outlet, or stand at the inlet while the tunnel is running!
If anything is changed in the test section, you must re-run the initial safety test and max loads tests outlined above
Wind Tunnel Shutdown Procedure
Turn the speed dial down as low as it will go (~10%)
Hit the STOP button on the fan control panel
Wait ~30 seconds for the fan to spool down
Turn off the master breaker switch
Perform the Fan and Transition Inspection
Check to make sure the Fan has not moved on the stand. The four black lines should be fully visible and parallel to the Fan legs
Look through the windows on BOTH sides of the fan and THOROUGHLY inspect the taping of the transition tarp.
Make sure there are no pieces of tape that have come undone during the previous usage.
Check the ENTIRE circumference of the taped area on both the inlet and outlet of the transition tarp.
Power off the FlowKinetics air flow meter
Tidy all areas and remove your test article and all equipment/tools
Report any issues/malfunctions to Venkat Putcha
Last updated
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