C. Controller Implementation
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In this section, the controller design from section B is implemented on the physical Quanser Aero hardware. We desire to reproduce the simulation results from the controller design section. The performance specifications are identical. Download Part C Aero.zip file and unzip to your folder containing the Control Design setup MATLAB script.
Unlock pitch axis and lock yaw axis.
Open q_aero_2dof_PID.slx.
Set pitch controller PID gains to the values obtained in Step 7 of the Decoupled Dynamics with Decoupled Controller section under Simulation Modeling and Evaluation in Part B: Controller Design. If variables are in the workspace, you may directly put gain values into the variables.
Set yaw controller PD gains and feedforward controller gains to 0.
Apply a pitch-only command ( , ).
Run SIMULINK: To build the model, click down arrow on Monitor & Tune under Hardware tab and then Build for monitoring . This generates the controller code. Click Connect button under Monitor & Tune and then click Start .
GET DATA OUT!!! and save it as pitch_only.mat
Unlock yaw axis and lock pitch axis.
Implement yaw PD controller using the gains tested in Step 3 of the Decoupled Dynamics with Decoupled Controller section under Simulation Modeling and Evaluation in Part B: Controller Design.
Set pitch controller PID gains and feedforward controller gains to 0.
GET DATA OUT!!! and save it as yaw_only.mat
Unlock both pitch and yaw axes to enable the full 2 DOF motion.
Implement the PID and PID gains in pitch and yaw controllers respectively. Set feedforward gains to zero.
GET DATA OUT!!! and save it as pitch_yaw.mat
Set the feedforward gains to the values in Step 1 of the Coupled Dynamics with Feedforward Controller section under Simulation Modeling and Evaluation in Part B: Controller Design.
Save data as ff_pitch_yaw.mat
For all the experiments, the data is saved in the following order:
Time (s)
Note: Some results require simulation response. This would require running a simulation using your SIMULINK model from Part B Control Design using the parameter values determined in Part A System Identification. The command input will be identical to the step input implemented during the experiment.
Plot and compare the experimental results obtained for the decoupled pitch-only case with the corresponding decoupled dynamics with decoupled controller simulation results from Part B Control Design:
Pitch command, pitch experimental response and pitch simulation response (one figure)
Voltage input to pitch rotor motor experiment and simulation results (one figure)
Explain any differences between the experimental and simulation results.
Plot and compare the experimental results obtained for the decoupled yaw-only case with the corresponding decoupled dynamics with decoupled controller simulation results from Part B Control Design:
Yaw command, yaw experimental response and yaw simulation response (one figure)
Voltage input to yaw rotor motor experiment and simulation results (one figure)
Explain any differences between the experimental and simulation results.
Plot and compare the experimental results obtained for the combined pitch and yaw case with the corresponding coupled dynamics without feedforward controller simulation results from Part B Control Design:
Pitch command, pitch experimental response and pitch simulation response (one figure)
Yaw command, yaw experimental response and yaw simulation response (one figure)
Pitch rotor motor voltage experiment and simulation results (one figure)
Yaw rotor motor voltage experiment and simulation results (one figure)
Explain any differences between the experimental and simulation results.
Plot and compare the experimental results obtained for the combined pitch and yaw case (including feedforward control) with the corresponding coupled dynamics with feedforward controller simulation results from Part B Control Design:
Pitch command, pitch experimental response and pitch simulation response (one figure)
Yaw command, yaw experimental response and yaw simulation response (one figure)
Pitch rotor motor voltage experiment and simulation results (one figure)
Yaw rotor motor voltage experiment and simulation results (one figure)
Explain any differences between the experimental and simulation results.
How does introducing feedforward gains affect the response of system? (i.e. compare pitch and yaw response without feedforward control with the responses with feedforward).
Did your controller successfully meet the specifications while running on the Quanser Aero hardware? If not, why?
Apply a pitch-only command ( , ).
Apply simultaneous pitch and yaw commands ( , ).
Repeat the pitch+yaw experiment with simultaneous pitch and yaw commands ( , ).
Voltage input to pitch rotor motor or (V)
Voltage input to yaw rotor motor or (V)
Pitch command angle (deg)
Yaw command angle (deg)
Pitch angle response (deg)
Yaw angle response (deg)
Pitch speed (rad/s)
Yaw speed (rad/s)